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Re: THE Consciousness Soul

Re: THE Consciousness Soul

by Paul Ntoumos -
Number of replies: 9
Picture of Philosophers
Referring our recent conversation that   The consciousness soul has been  held back ---- out of the inappropriate spiritual climate of the last 100 years.   Anthroposophists talk a lot about the Consciousness Soul (CS), but my experience has been, as you are indicating, that either we /  I don't fully get what the CS is or I can't see much or many around demonstrating it, myself included. I assert that a broad Statistical view would show as many non-anthroposophists as anthroposophists demonstrating some aspects of CS. The Age of the Consciousness soul is supposed to have been occurring for a while now, and basically signifies that humanity becomes increasingly conscious on a spiritual level, becomes prepared to understand certain ‘truths’. It’s a stage of human development in the course of spiritual evolution. Could we define the consciousness soul as the kernel of human consciousness, that is, the soul within the soul. And it has a number of characteristics.

(Edited by Eugene Passofaro - original submission Thursday, 16 August 2012, 12:52 AM)

(Edited by Friend Tazo - original submission Wednesday, 15 August 2012, 11:52 PM)

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Re: THE Consciousness Soul

by Friend Tazo -
Picture of Philosophers
Hi Paul,
The most important, and even exciting additions to the insights on the consciousness soul are how it relates to our New Spiritual Soul being. There come forth new creations of thoughts and also new senses to fill our being nature. These experiences harmonize the soul states of the present, past, and future in a beautiful tapestry which is much like any beautiful weaving pattern in nature.
We also see the path the soul took to arrive in this state. It had, as it were, to battle within itself to free itself. This process is not so easy as anyone who tries it can experience, but with our determination, we have moments, at first small, where the experiences of harmony permeate the soul.

These are refreshing to the self that experiences it. It is the spirit of harmony - of the old being to become a more true being and of a higher spirit-nature...and we know we can always return to the harmony, for we have it as a spiritual memory.

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Re: THE Consciousness Soul

by Paul Ntoumos -
Picture of Philosophers
Hi Tazo,
I would like to continue this conversation started a few years ago now, exploring the Consciousness Soul and specifically your latest add-on angle to it of the concept of developing a ‘self-conscious soul’ or a spiritual ‘self-consciousness’ through the awakening of a new spiritual organization. Could we see this as the new Grail consciousness?

You spoke recently about the intersection or the crossing of the fields knowledge and the fields of consciousness as well as of the next important meditation of our age ie the illumination meditation in relation to the New Guardian of the Threshold.

I think that in this school, even more specifics (than what has already been given) can
now be given to the students ref how to grow the Seed of the consciousness soul in
relation to what spiritual atmosphere one can create inwardly and outwardly and what
that does to the seed.

And the final element I am inviting you to elaborate further is your statement in previous conversation that the seed is formed / given through the teachings of the word + our relationship with the Archangel Michael – in conjunction the forming of the Feminine soul – Divine feminine.

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Re: THE Consciousness Soul

by Friend Tazo -
Picture of Philosophers
Hi Paul,

I have another new way of looking at this subject, and it is very delightful too, so I want to share it here. In one of my lectures I came across a concept that explains a lot, it is the concept of developing a "self-conscious soul", and I believe it forms a vital link to our modern spiritual form of the soul that we have today. And as the 'self' is well positioned, in modern man, he must define his dawning of a spiritual 'self consciousness' through his awakening new spiritual sense organization, and this forms a self-conscious spiritual soul.

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Re: The Consciousness Soul and healing

by Linda Hart -
Picture of Philosophers

my thoughts on this:

Paul was a man who knew the rules and knew he was in the top group of people who believed they truly understood them, so he was sure he knew the rules. This gave him a lot of fire to ensure they were followed and the people kept pure.

Suddenly the foundation of rules fell away from him.He encountered, he experienced, a real person or being that spoke to him with love and forgiveness and there was no requirement of some specified sacrifice  such as pidgeon to make.   This  encounter was a real game changer.

Here already we might find a clue to the healing of Paul. There was love in the heart of the one who was present to him. There was no judgment and opinions of Paul's actions. " This is Who I am".

The other key player is the one to whom Paul went to be healed.  It took some real trust in the divine voice before the request to " heal Paul" could be followed because Paul had been a dangerous threat to the lives of those in that group. The one who wishes to heal can do so only with love and trust. In the context of recent talks about the need for the " inner child"  ( Matthew 19) with its love and embracing innocence to come  forward, we have another clue. The healing relationship  is three way between the healer, the divine and the one who is seeking healing.

The heart can include many people who might not be able to be physically present. If we think of the consciousness soul being like the dynamic energetic heart with its power which is so much greater than the brain, then the journey to heal our brother has a beginning.

Recently someone expressed their thought that the consciousness soul might be called the empathy soul and if that were so, then we know the pain of another and cannot judge. We are present to them with a certain consciousness, we have reached out to BE, not to do or think, simply to feel with them, try to be one with them in their experience.  We could do this to animals and plants and the teeming life of the soil.  That would surely give us a different consciousness.

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Re: THE Consciousness Soul and the Studies at the RKI

by Paul Ntoumos -
Picture of Philosophers

This conversation is going in a powerful and challenging direction, both on a personal level  and as a group: “To heal Paul and restore his sight”.

Many have, and do covet the gift / treasure that the Consciousness Soul offers.

But the question is “how does one heal Paul (our inner Paul) and restore his sight?”, the Paul / Saul within us and in others. No one may come to the Grail if they don’t bring their brother, the one that is like the magpie: black and white!  It was (and is) as much about (the) Ananias to hear and take on to heal ‘Paul’ as it is for ‘Paul’ to take the time and  ‘go to Arabia’ until he is called out.

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Grasping the Consciousness Soul

by Eugene Passofaro -

Inregads to grasping the consciousness soul, in my researches, I have seen a few references to this subject, namely in Emil Bocks' work on the 9th Century, James Webb on Anthroposophy, Occultism and the Rise of the Nazis, Tomberg's work as well, but also lately, I see the source is not the Christmas Foundation, but in Rudolf Steiner's lectures on Form and Logic.  It appears in this set of lectures because Steiner felt the coming of the consciousness soul - just as we have it today.  But these lectures (SL477 and sl912-913 can be obtained opon request as they are just newly digitized) show how Dr.Steiner attempted to show where the Anthroposophists could work with the Soul Life which was coming (as it is now in our day).  Because they could not grasp it, the consciousness soul was essentially held back - and I will add - until such time as a group of indiviudals could gather together and form this consciousness soul in a way that would alliviate the pressures (which are now building up around it's coming into form) which are attenant to it.  I would highly recommend a study of those particular lectures, and also SL485 titled The Mystic, Occultist, and Esoterisist (and in my lectures a Esotericist is actually A Student of the Spirit - I beieve this is the thought idea which Steiner wanted to form then - and he says like this "what ever is not correctly formed properly out of the spirit, as a spiritual organ with spiritual substance, it will have to be dissolved and reformed in the future" ) too, which will give you a thread of thought, which you can follow through these lectures and discover this most amazing recognition.  It is important because the whole of the work going on in the NEW AGE movements is now coming to sour and also fail - just as it did in the last attempt to form it. And this attempt was all the way up until Summer in Germany 1934.  Keep well in mind that the thread of thought in these particular lectures was no coincidence, for I have no less than 500 lectures in my work list today. How these came to be highlighted is a chance moment which I chose to share with our RKI students of the spirit.

I should like to relate to the finer qualitites of the consciousness soul in my Wednesday night lecture this week. It will be lecture 3 in the series.


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Re: THE Consciousness Soul and the Studies at the RKI

by Eugene Passofaro -

I have this theory, we noticed the lack, and had to create again from the start. That is what happened in my work. And so the completion and maturing which my work went through, i.e. in my close students, has formed and is forming the conscious soul - and so it is rather difficult to decipher, and identify as of yet.  But that there is a special formation of soul which our students attain through our studies, is very evident. What it means, is in my opinion connected to the holding back of the Consciousness Soul from the 1930s of the last Century until rcent times.

I see it as mysteriously, so to speak, connected with the Damascus experience - from that part or sequence where Paul is blinded by the Christ, and is subsequently healed by Ananias in Damascus. He was instructed to deliver the message to 'go to Arabia' and study 'until I call you out.' And se we have been directed to go through these steps again.

You will recall the instructions : go to the city and find the street called 'straight'.  This points to the work of John.


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Re: THE Consciousness Soul

by Eugene Passofaro -

This conversation got me thinking it over. Here are the thoughts, so we can all ponder over this.
"Just a quote from a review of Prokofieff's book - 'The Case of Velentin Tomberg'
'Tomberg had come to the conclusion that the spiritual world had deemed the mission of the Consciousness
Soul a failure ( despite the obvious fact that less than one third of its time has run) and mankind must now go on to the task
of incorporating the Spirit Self through 'a dictatorship of the spiritual world'.  Also in St. Petersburg - where he was born - he
assimilated occult teachings expounded by teachers associated with black magic."

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Re: THE Consciousness Soul

by Linda Hart -
Picture of Philosophers

I admit that I have not had a clear idea what it is although I have heard and read about the term for a long time.

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