The Spiritual Knowledge Center News

The Poet of the Archangels

by Friend Tazo -
Picture of Philosophers

Here is a very special work! My 2nd edition of The Poet of the Archangels is now published. 

It is a story from my journals....very real, and records the inspirations that are behind our school.

Reviews:  #1 This is such a unique book! You can really feel how sublime these revelations are and how special of a book this is. I encourage all modern students of the spirit to read this book. If you enjoyed this book go to the Rosenkreutz Institute to take the wonderful lecture courses which any modern student of the spirit will love!

#2 This book is very unusual in its content and certainly not the type of angel message book we have become accustomed to seeing. I have found it to be touching and moving in some places, thought provoking and challenging the way I live life in other places, and sometimes seems to need a few days for some of it to ' sink in' and become more understandable.

Click Here to Order it!

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New Tazo Book!

by Friend Tazo -
Picture of Philosophers

Hello Friends and Students!

   My New Book Soul Frequencies is now available! Please follow the link and get 1 or more copies - and by all means do a review! This is the best time to get it and push it to #1 ! Together with you, my books have reached #1 before, so let's do it again!

Right now, I don't want to say anything about - rather I want to read your reviews and discussions!  Thank you!!

Link :

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