Marketing is all about Knowledge and Skill. Read below and see for your self. Do you think you might have the skills?then let's put them to use. Ask: Marketing for a New World? Where does it really lead?
Times have shown that the Old Ways of Life have so drastically changed that we know the Old Cultural Traditions no longer suffice for modern personal development. What can we point too, that illustrates this? How many people, even if it were possible, can see themselves living in an Ashram or Walking a Desert seeking enlightenment?
Actually some do, but what is the result? They usually fall so far out of society that they loose everything in the process. Maybe this is good, but it certainly does not help the situation when one realizes perfectly good people can't be found for the purposes of Leadership and Guidance on the Spiritual Path.
Let us now consider what Spiritual Research reveals. One very important fact is this, Man is a part of nature, and so when a Man serves nature, he serves the World. This means that one who has had a lifetime in Solitude, Meditation and Prayer, must also pour this knowledge into the service for the future Spiritual Progress of Man and Nature. And that is the Call to Human Beings of today. The confusion around us today is the result of the Great Change that is occurring. The New Spiritual Teachers are awakening to their tasks in the present time. They will begin to occupy positions which now are filled by men of the Old Way of the World, and the New Way is not yet a practical reality for them. These two waves of men now collide. The power of the one faces the power of the other. As time wears on, that which was once powerful and mighty begins to falter as the other wave increases into strength and vitality.
In answer to call of the Spirit in Nature; she is the one who rules beneath our feet, and controls seeds, and birth, gives new life and takes away that which is old and failing and destined to fade and whither. I gave 12 lectures on here spirit, called Meeting the Spirit in Nature, series 004, of the foundation series for our school. The carry home thought is: No power or forces of any human being can change these (6 powers of one mind/spirit), for they are the real ruling powers over arching the World which man is a small part. But this changes when a man rises above the Wave and rides it; but consider this, he can only rise according to his Skill to manage the power underneath him. This is why we offer classes on the Spiritual Powers; it is not just a whim or wisp of thought, it is the very core of the power, and no man can manage any power of nature without Skill. It doesn't matter what 'science says' about it; when all is said and done, it ( the event) must come to skills in action. Even as men have around them an invisible shell filled with invisible forces; still, when a man raises his spiritual vessel into the spirit he moves in his own Spiritual Vessel, and just like a boat on water; and even so, it is even more powerful as a vessel (than as a tool) when it is Manned by one trained in the skill we are speaking here. That is one of the greatest skills a man can claim for himself. Withou the skill, the vessel should not be taken out upn the astral ocean. Desire for it, must be earned by attaining true knowledge, or nothing but misfortune will occur. This does not eliminate training, but puts spiritual training in the right light. If there is no perceptible goal, then the knowledge is not harmonized with the accomplishment.
Just like there are many captains on the sea, but there is only knowledge that rules them, it is here one realizes it is 'the knowledge' 'the pearl of great price' ; it is a special inner intelligence (knowledge of our spiritual bodies) which gives a man the power (through inspired intelligence) to rise above the invisible sea of the astral plane, and sail upon its great ocean which leads to the four portals of eternity. Who can tell of it? Only one who hears it. Think about it? Can you? Perhaps you hear in the wind something, but the sailors of the sea, full of stories as they are, the Captain of the Ship never would ever sail without maps or compass. He knows when and how to move upon the waters or one should not travel with him.
So men of today, are humbled before the greatness of the stars . But who can tell anything real about them, but one who desires to ascend into them, and journey to such far away places.
Clarity, vision and understanding appears when one trains in my spiritual science system of the Spiritual Bodies. Once a person reorganizes thoughts and learns to focus and concentrate the mind, it by itself emerges to claim the inner position within your nature as 'Captain of the ship'. Before that time, you are stuck on the shore and can certainly marvel at the magical stories, but you will never have known the journey to the land beyond time and space where all Spiritual Paths lead. Just like it is said: all rivers lead to the ocean.
Write me if you want to train - seriously train - that is, please don't write if you just want to hang around, this training is real.
Friend Tazo