- Teacher: Friend Tazo
117 The Emergence of <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=4002&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: The Self" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">the Self</a> in Time
117 The Emergence of the Self in Time - Meditation on the Count St Germain
Enrollment includes 12 Lectures and Forum with comprehensive smart notes.
These lectures are inspired from contemplation of the exemplary Count St Germain, whose Self was pure and incorruptible.
The Self of the human being is also part of a spiritual nature. These two must be present in the soul for the Self to manifest and give direction to the individual destiny. These lectures present in moving pictures the landscape of our spiritual nature and the elements and substances it is composed. This is essential in making progress on the path of Rosicrucian Spiritual development. Participants will review the riddles of science and math and solve the apparent contradictions of time and space in order to harmonize the soul in its own creative environment. This is another important course suitable for beginnings and advanced students of the spirit of nature and the esoteric path of the modern Rosicrucian.
Enrollment includes 12 Lectures and Forum with comprehensive smart notes.
- Teacher: Friend Tazo
LV6 THE LIFE STORY OF THE COUNT <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=4704&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: St Germain" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">ST GERMAIN</a>
The Count St Germain is the most enigmatic man of history. He counseled kings and princes, pioneered new discoveries, founded states, and spoke of the new world changes. Come and join me and our students as we learn about the only man in history who influenced so many lives from the poorest to the noblest.
No man was ever so loved and respected. He spoke 188 languages fluently. He had endless compassion and strength of mind, discipline, and courage. He never used a sword, dagger, poison, or lies to achieve. His mind and his love were pure and his health of being was a true example for all living men. He did not fear death: and he died again and again and returned again to resume his work. As men of previous generations saw his death, they also saw him reappear again in the fullness of life. How? We must ask. Is there a secret of the spirit which perhaps we may seek to have if only we believed in it?
Let us explore these questions together and more!
In this course, we will use Extracts of the translation by Rick Mansell from German to English of the Anthroposophical author Irene Tetzlaff. Her work is the only work on the Count of St.Germain that contains the Rosicrucian-Anthroposophical threads of thought. Students will explore the challenge of this most remarkable individual.
Come join me in this study of the most amazing man in history. Includes the content and research of the Book by Eugene Passofaro based on the research of Rick Mansell and Irene Tetzaf. This is the only translation of the book by Tetzlaf in English.
This course contains valuable links to the historical people, places and events in the book by Tezlaf, and also valuable commentaries by various Anthroposophists including secret notes and other commentaries of Rudolf Steiner that are extemely important in the understanding of the Rosicrucian Spiritual Stream, its meaning and the esoteric considerations that are missing from the external accounts of St Germain. This course took years to put together for the names and places mentioned are very obscure, or in the difficult idiom of other languages. The Participant in the class will however be able to easily access and research the characters and events because of class smart-notes. Includes art, music, videos, and Forum access. This is the only place to access the BOOK below.
Eugene Passofaro