- Teacher: Friend Tazo
LV1 - 14 Lessons <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=4056&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: On" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">On</a> The Spiritual Understanding of <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=3351&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: heat" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">Heat</a> - The Metaphysics of <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=4028&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: Space" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">Space</a> in Relation to <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=3351&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: heat" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">Heat</a> and The <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=3351&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: heat" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">Heat</a> Course of Dr Steiner
14 Lessons On The Spiritual Understanding of Heat - 14 Lessons - (all 14 Lectures of Dr Steiner are discussed with notes and diagrams). This course is phenomenal! It is updated with everything possible in regards to modern scientific knowledge.
A New Science? A New Philosophy? Why Not! The World is Begging for us to Take the Step! Are you ready? Come with Tazo and open your Mind to New Dimensions. You will see and learn a Powerful System of Math that will Open a New Way of Seeing the Mechanics of Sound. Light, Matter and Space. The Goal is a Life-Changing Understanding. You will Learn it and Master it in this 14 Week Course with Tazo.
The Metaphysics of Space in Relation to Heat
Students Will Get 1 Lesson a Week for Meditation, Replays, Questions, and Exploration.
2 Lessons Per Week, but in that Week we will concentrate on each lesson until we get the right imaginations into our Thoughts. This is the method Tazo we will use. As a Student participant, you will be able to build layer upon layer the necessary elements of thoughts so that the content arises as a Complete Picture of the Realm, Substance Nature of Heat and why it is an essential Study for Scientists, Doctors, Healing Practitioners and other Spiritual Students and Teachers in the Present Time.
Tazo has taught Rudolf Stiener's esoteric content classes for over 40 years to private students with remarkable success. Students feel confident in using Tazo's methods to tackle the often puzzling thoughts of the Austrian Clairvoyant Scientist he was. Students who participate will also receive fresh insights from the spiritual perception which the teacher is able to bring to the student participant. This can be according to the individual karma of the student and is not at all dependent on chance. Karma plays the biggest role whn it comes to learning the esoteric content with Tazo as a teacher.
Below is the present course offering which we will add to it in the Live Class.
How To Understand Heat - The Bridge to the Cosmic World - in
14 Meditation Lecture Lessons by Rudolf Steiner ST3
Understanding Heat in 14 Outstanding Lessons!
Heat, Science and Spiritual Science - The Bridge to the Cosmic World!
There is Amazing and Deep Thoughtful Science in these Classes on Heat
14 Lectures by Dr Steiner
A study of the Physical and Spiritual Science of Heat
Friend Tazo will guide you through all 14 Meditation
Lecture Lessons! With his assistance in Meditation and Notes, you will go as deep as possible into the Almost Impossible to Fathom Depths of Rudolf Steiner's Spiritual Physical Science Principles - deeper than you ever thought imaginable. One-on-one
lessons with the Spiritual Polymath will open your inner eyes to the magical and powerful world that Rudolf Steiner hinted at in these Lectures.
14 Lectures Lessons by Rudolf Steiner (voice,commnetary, translation by Rick Mansell)
With notes by Tazo of the Rosenkreuz Institute of Spiritual Research
- Teacher: Friend Tazo
LV2 - <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=3348&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: Esoteric" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">ESOTERIC</a> <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=5293&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: Rosicrucian" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">ROSICRUCIAN</a> LESSONS - 14 <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=3348&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: Esoteric" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">ESOTERIC</a> LESSONS OF DR STEINER - EXPLAINED
are the Foundations of Knowledge you need for the next in your
Spiritual Advancement. No advancement can come without effort. Women,
and Men get caught in the Webs they weave between them. Theses lessons
define the Path of the Rosicrucian to develop a Free Consciousness of
Life. Are you Ready? Previously, this path was not open. World
conditions, deep and deeper sensuality. are evidenced of the decadence
and corruption creeping up from the depths. These Lessons are Provided
as a Guide, A Map Out, and a Path to the Higher Planes. Enroll Today in
these weekly Lessons and Begin your Transformation Today. Almost
immediately, in the 1st lesson, students feel the Power, and the Healing
come over them. Do the Work and you will open a Gateway to a world
many only dream about. You are at the door right now : enroll here
Enroll with our Alternate Checkout with Monthly Payment Options
Tazo will present a Rosicrucian Consciousness Training System - based on the 14 Esoteric Class lessons of Rudolf Steiner, This Powerful knowledge system will provide you a structure for inner spiritual research, philosophy, science, mind-mastery, breath-work, self-healing, geometry, and spiritual math. Students will learn how to harness inner powers, and create and dissolve inner mental pictures, and learn other powerful techniques for strengthening the mind and purifying desires and self mastery of moods. Participants will learn the words keys of the elements, and the paths of the elements from physical to spiritual nature and for the destiny of future planetary realms.
must now learn these techniques in order to master the new substance
elements for the next planetary embodiment. This is the course to get
for mastery of the elements in these Rosicrucian Mater Lessons.
life with consciousness training and learn the seven levels of
conscious awareness. Become conversant with Rosicrucian Cosmology and
Sanskrit, and Esoteric Buddhist secrets of the spiritual soul elements
and spiritual nature.
The lessons will be given for 14 weeks. There will be 14 meditation lessons. Each lesson will be packed with useful information, videos, lectures and diagrams. Each lesson will build on the last. They are designed to provide a Foundational System and Framework to understand the Mysteries of the Rosicrucian Tradition combined with Modern insights into Natural Philosophy, Kundalini, Breath Yoga, Senses and the Spiritual Bodies and how to Develop and Create Spiritual Sense Organs such as the 3rd Eye, pineal and pituitary glands.
Get all 14 lessons now, and receive life-time access to the series!
- Teacher: Friend Tazo
LV3 - Medical Therapies and the Spiritual <a href="https://rosenkreutz.online/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=3964&displayformat=dictionary" title="THE ROSENKREUTZ SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE DATA BASE: Knowledge" class="glossary autolink concept glossaryid16">Knowledge</a>
LV3 - Medical Therapies and the Spiritual Knowledge - 9 Powerful Lessons over 9 Weeks! If your a medical practitioner, this course will give you a deep and profound understanding of the spiritual forces of spiritual nature involved in the processes (in stages) of health and illness. You will be able to determine the correct procedures based on an essential, deeper, understanding and to work alongside the spiritual teacher whose gift it is to bring a spiritual wisdom into the healing process.
The Spiritual Teacher and the Doctor have different approaches to Medical Therapies - Here are Lessons in Spiritual and Medical Therapies. In these lessons, as a doctor you will expand your knowledge into the spiritual. Here you can ask questions pertaining to the riddles of the human being and how to see into the spiritual causes and outcomes of illness. This will assist the doctor in discovering new remedies that assist nature in the processes of disease.
The development of Modern Medical therapies is the basis for this course.
There is a gap in modern medicine regarding the whole human nature. A true knowledge has to consider the whole human being, which have a deeper connection to the cosmic forces of the earth to develop human destiny.
As an individual seeks to harmonize and balance the body and the soul with new karma, often the soul must pass through powerful inner storms . When the Spiritual Teacher is in a position to comprehend the causes and the outcomes more than a medical practitioner, it is because when the spiritual takes hold in the soul, then the physical is no longer responsive - a trained seer or teacher is needed comprehend the condition.
human is the same, and where a purely objective science is consulted, this approach is not
sufficient for persons suffering from more spiritual conditions. In the case of special inner needs, a spiritually intelligent guide is necessary, The inner pathways that are related to human karma, and destiny are not general, but specific. Here, in this, the wisdom and guidance of the spiritual teacher has a great value to work along the side of the doctor.
Regarding the arising of special conditions, the spiritual teacher needs also to work with the medical therapist to create remedies that are specially created. These remedies are particularly inspired and designed to meet the needs of the individual. When the disruption of cosmic forces occurs, no drugs will be effective to alleviate the disharmony penetrating the human soul system. Remedies will be temporary, and the remedies applied will take over the inner condition.
When remedies are not in harmony with the higher nature the individual will show signs of depression and anxiety which will go ever deeper into the human being and eventually undermine the health of the entire organization. This is the main reason for the intervention of a spiritual teacher - to provide a spiritual understanding, and spiritual wisdom - to pour this as light of knowledge into the soul of the suffering person.
The aim of this course is to bridge this gap between with the doctor and the spiritual teacher with spiritual science, and to provide an understanding of the domains of each, so that the working together of the spiritual guide for the individual is not lost in the process of achieving inner health through medical therapies.
We will be work directly with medical professionals in our questions and answers forum. There will be 12 Lessons in this first phase, all of them based on the lectures of the spiritual scientist Rudolf Steiner. There will be live videos and more!
Enroll today!
- Teacher: Friend Tazo
LV4 The Art of Being Musical - Music for Life - Music-101 with Frend Tazo
M-1 Learn Spiritual Music with Tazo
Our Motto: :Be the Musical Life!
This is a class to learn the Art of Being Musical!
The health and well being benefits of musical training is here offered as a class for everyone! Physicals, medical professionals, and personal development coaches and self motivated individuals will find treasure in this Course!! Everyone can learn from the Art of Being Musical! You will learn to Self Heal - a doctor, a nurse, a any sick person, or out of balance person - this course will give you tools and techniques that usually until now only music professionals know. Things that Opera singers do to handle their Breath Power! Now you can learn to harness the Same Power without being the Opera Singer! No - just as you are but having the power to access this incredible source of inner power and then to learn how to use it without blowing all your circuits out - as drugs will do!
Music for Life - Music-101 with Friend Tazo
These Spiritual Music Lessons are designed with Soul and Spirit and Tailored for Individual spiritual needs for the soul and body.
This is a healing of mind, soul, and body. Exclusive techniques developed by Tazo draws you into the soul nature to see it through the eyes of intelligent math and harmony only musicians know. You will be amazed! Never before been offer, and cannot be duplicated. This is the original lessons in spiritual music.
Beginners to advanced! All levels, instruments and styles.
Learn in 30 days how to use and apply musicc for a deepening of your soul experience. Music pours power in your soul and mind in unique ways. It heals and creates new channels and pathways of nerves, blood and breath.
Learn the secrest of innerwork through conscious music training. - even without an instrument! Open inner portals, feel and see with a new mind and soul activity in combination with the timing of the breath, blood, heart, and color and light.
Open the gates, and the doos to the inner world where it pours you out into the cosmic world. , Harmonize your Breathing with blood and circulation. Re-enliven your soul and body together. It works like magic. Learn what not to do, and what you need to avoid or pay a heavy price in weakened soul forces, stamina, and concentration, or restfulness.
Create with musical understanding your inner space, elements and atmosphere. Introduce the Spirit of Music into your daily practice! Create lasing health, and increase your inner well being, reduce stress, and feel healthy and rest better, and live better.
The Music lessons are tailored to your Level and Experience! Integrate and share music with family, socials, karaoke, singing, meditation, church - or your own path of spiritual enjoyment and create your custom musical form.
Deepen your soul with spiritual music live training. Lessons are tailored to your needs. No experience necessary - No instrument needed - choice your own instrument from ears (music appreciation), voice, keyboard, rattles, drums, stings or wind - get to choose!
Weekly lessons - drip content - enroll today - 2 week subscription - cancel, pause, and restart as you like. Your enrollment includes 2 weeks training lessons, and lifetime access to the lessons you complete.
- Teacher: Friend Tazo
LV5 The Mysteries of Woman
LV5 The Mysteries of Woman - A Course for Males and Females Seeking Harmony, Focus, and Power - Great for Couples and Individuals Seeking Awareness of the Deeper Causes and Meanings behind things.
This is a drip lesson course. It will be weekly lessons, with forum, videos, audio, and informative articles. You will be amazed by the history and the stories we shall explore in the Mysteries of Woman. This course is for Men that want to know the Mysteries of Womankind and seek to 'bridge the gap' so that a greater field of experience awakens. It is also for women who seek to develop a deeper understanding of how to unfold the forces om sync with cosmic breathing.
4 Powerful Weeks - A Lesson Each Week! Contemplate - Meditate - and Grow Each Week will have special meditations for Breath and Mind Activation, Music and Tone Understandings that Revitalize and Heal.
Prepare to take this deep dive into the most important creation of nature - woman. We will explore the abnormal, and the 'normal' behavior to discover the secrets of womankind.
Spirituality is only half the story, the rest is to seek for what is possible. Don't just harness the powers of nature with awakening self, seek to understand the path of harmony and higher purpose.
This course will give you tools, methods and techniques that are proven safe and effective for everyone - creating a space for growth, regrowth, and prosperity.
Questions Forum, Spiritual Library Research, Audio Based Music and Knowledge Lessons, One on One Coaching Provided (Up to 2)