Picture of Sean Rueth Kaiser

093 Meditations On Solitude and the Virtues of the Soul

by Sean Rueth Kaiser - Sunday, 31 May 2020, 7:21 PM

The lecture series "093 Meditations On Solitude and the Virtues of the Soul" is such a wonderful lecture series! I would consider this a great beginner course for the student of the spirit. Especially if the student hasn't any interest in studying the specific teachings related to Rosicrucianism, Esoteric Christianity or Buddhism. Although some of the teachings of these spiritual teachings are contained in this lecture series, nonetheless it is a wonderful course for a student of the spirit to take for many reasons. During these lectures different meditations and virtues are given to the student. These meditations and virtues form for the student as a foundational piece for one's work on one's soul. This series strengthens the soul of a student in a marvelous way. It provides a wonderful framework and sense of feeling on how to spiritually progress oneself. The student is given certain virtues and meditations that will progress the student along the path. This a perfect course to begin your journey and I hope you consider in taking this wonderful course! It will provide such a wonderful source of strength, warmth and power for you!