Picture of Sean Rueth Kaiser

029 Christian Mystery Centers

by Sean Rueth Kaiser - Thursday, 11 June 2020, 2:43 PM

029 Christian Mystery Centers is a wonderful lecture series for any student of the spirit that is interested in studying esoteric Christianity. The evolution and spread of Christianity into the different parts of Europe is important study that I recommend to modern students of the spirit. This lecture series provides many practical and well needed exercises to help promote the development of the student (e.g., meditation on color of one's deeds and non-judgement). The student is given many valuable insights into the true nature of evil and how it relates to the human soul, the spread and development of the mystery secrets and mystery centers of Christianity, the relation of the Christ spirit to the soul, the mystery of the Fisher King, the armor of the gods and most importantly amazing revelations about the Holy Grail are given. If any student of the spirit is interested in esoteric Christianity and its deeper secrets I would highly recommend this lecture series!