day and night consciousness

day and night consciousness

by Linda Hart -
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Picture of Philosophers

The first Esoteric Lesson tells us of the seven and then the five levels of consciousness.

In the Manichean series ( 031),  there is the topic of the seven loaves and five fishes; also  the mention of the seven day consciousness and five night consciousness. So we  have the realm of the stars (as milky way )and the  (? differentiated out of the milky way)  Zodiacal realm. 

In terms of consciousness what marks the difference between the day and the night consciousness?   Steiner refers to the five (night) levels as creative consciousness.? 

Tazo has often referred to our current time as one when we are moving into the Night . Did this begin with Judas?  [" And he  departed immediately after taking the morsel /crumb and moreover, it was now night. ( John 13:30 - my translation) .

So how do we best consider NIGHT in these two, seemingly different aspects. One relating to our stage of evolution and one to consciousness over the longer period of our evolving.