Is the Human Being Locked in his Form? or Can he Advance his Nature?

Is the Human Being Locked in his Form? or Can he Advance his Nature?

by Friend Tazo -
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Picture of Philosophers

How Does the Human Being Advance?  Or is he Locked in his Form?
Paracelsus discovered the Ladies Foxglove had a healing influence on the human heart. It literally transforms it from unhealthy to a healthy organ? How?

This remedy is still the basis for modern heart drugs.  But how?

The Questions: Paracelsus had no laboratory or any other equipment other than his Mind!
Can you explain how this kind of intuitional knowledge can occur in a spiritually sensitive soul

 How would knowledge of this help men to advance in their human capacity as a being of nature? How would his capacity of knowing help you right now - say you had it - what would you do with it?

Do you want to know how he did it? and learn the Rosicrucian method of opening your spiritual 3rd Eye awareness?

All the answers and more are in Our Exclusive Rosicrucian Weekly Class Lessons!

In a short time, depending on your natural abilities, you will experience the results of these lessons to work upon you converting your normal senses into higher senses. You don't have to wait for anything, just listen to the lessons, and meditate on the content. The Spirit will do the rest for you!!!  I've seen it happen in dozens of people that take up my work here at the Rosenkreutz School of Light. You can do it too!  Get the Lessons and Begin your inner transformation.

Picture: Johan Fredriksson