The Spirit in the Light and Our Creation

It is the will of the light to show and teach the way through the darkness. With the light we are always in the light. When the light is not present outside, then we must have learned from the Teacher three important things, to be calm and to listen to hear the voice of the Teacher, or Two ; to know the Way, and Three, to Shine from within for our self or others that call to us in need, if there is need for our light. For this, our Spirit Bodies have descended out from the Light. We have no more Father and Mother, nor brothers and sisters, that have birthed us or grew up as kin. We are freed from matter. We ascend and are reborn as Children of Light.

From this moment - we must find the courage to follow the path the light reveals to the eye that knows it and sees it as the spirit of the creation. To follow those of earthly body is to follow back into the darkness. And the warning, it does not see itself nor the light, nor the path of the truly living, but is where the light cannot reach, and makes us to fall into it too, if we so follow it - and some must go that way out of karma. But knowledge and experience teaches us to turn our way from it, and even to know how to work into the material world and reap the rewards of seeing the pure materia reflect and absorb the light and substances of the enlightened human being. (the path of the Sun and Moon in conjunction).

The Chemical Wedding shows the birth of the bodies of Light. In a deeply symbolic way we are shown the path in this story.