The Wisdom of the Higher Female Spirit in Nature

We feel the Spirit of the Cosmos only when we have freed our soul from itself, and all that would bind it to the illusions of the world, and find the work of the making our true body as one that the goddess wove for us in each night that we prayed to find her spiritual power, her being, her community, and wish to be with her beyond all other hopes and wishes of the dream of woman on earth to the woman-female Spirit in nature.

And as she may come and take the student by the hand and give him the experience again to feel and touch the immortal spirit-life body.   When he awakens and rises from his bed and knows and remembers he walks in other worlds too, and these he before dreamed of through many life-times, he now sees again and remembers his home once long ago through her love and wisdom.

E.G. Passofaro