The Work

Our work at this school and for our students is everyday. Everything we do is a progression of the whole body of our spirit working in and through us. When we give lectures it is to feel the pulse of the body of the spirit that is invisibly working in us.  That is why we are a vessel of the spirit, for this spirit works and lives in us each day and night according to our merits, or thoughts, our feelings and our deeds, and it needs our truth of heart and mind to express it.  When we share together, it is often to share the tools of clearing and keeping clean the consciousness so that like a glass we can look through our souls to the world of the spirit, and perhaps gain a glimpse of the true world behind this one.  When we see the spirit there, it is important for us to be able to share with our friends the results of our experiences. Not always is it correct or true, therefore we need to help each other with each accomplishment we make in seeing true, and also to add to the knowledge, what is false and a false path, and letting others make up their minds in freedom as to the validity of the Way.

From the Book of the Wise