The Creature and the Wise Student


Wisdom is a very special seed of the spirit. It comes through unknown channels and ways to us, but some teachers say it is here or there, and some are right, but when the seed is not found we are often troubled and believe it cannot come, or it is a myth.

To find the seeds of Wisdom one needs to meditate each day and search for wisdom in words deeds, thoughts and actions. Then one day the light will illumine again and show the place where the seed of wisdom has spouted forth. That is how one knows this seed of wisdom, for it grows, it sprouts and grows as a new flower in a garden! Now some very important miracle happened after that!!!

 "Now" comes the teacher and he says to the student, "Go...get your water and clear the weeds, and feel how much of this is the miracle of love is born in you this day. Each day and water it, and care for it until it grows a fruit full of Seeds. 
Then you will have become Wise." 
And the student did this....and grew the fruit from the seed, and then came the animal of immortal life to the tree and spoke to the man of the next wisdom. Of this wisdom the man learns how to make himself immortal from the teaching of the little animal. 
When he became immortal he too became a creature and waited for a student to come to eat the fruit. When he came, the man who was now a creature, told the man how to become immortal too. And so the oldest and wisest creature is this Butterfly and his student.