079 080 Spiritual Alchemy
Two of the lecture courses on Spiritual Alchemy have been so illuminating and have brought much light and understanding into my spiritual journey. Both lecture courses provide opportunities for self-illumination and understanding for what the student can work on if he so chooses.
In the course (080) of Spiritual Illumination and Dark Astrality we are presented the knowledge of working with and understanding the dark astral substance of our being and the world, but with this consideration this substance shouldn't be something we should be scared of, but I believe appreciative of the fact that we have a substance to work with and understand. In my experience, it is important to realize that Eugene provides many different techniques in these courses. They are given in order to help the spiritual student along his path of understanding and self illumination. We need technique in order to progress and this is exactly what Eugene provides. This lecture course was a "game changer" for my journey and offers an opportunity to any student for self-illumination.
In the lecture course (079) of Alchemy of Man, Earth & Stars we are given many more insights in how to work with the various metals and inner fire of our being. If you're interest in spiritual alchemy and the path of the Rosicrucian then this would be excellent course to explore and work with. If you are a spiritual student of the modern day I would highly recommend both courses since both lecture courses work well with one another. I have the highest regard for these lecture courses and Eugene's hard work in providing us with this material. Both lecture courses will bring about the quickening of the spirit, provide a system of techniques and opportunities for introspection and self-illumination. Both lecture courses will help the spiritual student understand many esoteric passages of the Bible and Greek sagas, then ultimately provide a proven system of traveling along the path of "the Way, the Truth and the Light".