Saturday, 18 May 2024, 9:25 AM
Site: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Research
Course: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Research (Spiritual-Research-Institute)

The Human Heart

The human heart can go to the lengths of God.
Dark and cold we may be, but this
Is no winter now. The frozen misery
Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move;
The thunder is the thunder of the floes,
The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.
Thank God our time is now when wrong
Comes up to face us everywhere,
Never to leave us till we take
The longest stride of soul we humans ever took.
Affairs are now soul size.
The enterprise
Is exploration into God.
Where are you making for? It takes
So many thousand years to wake,
But will you wake for pity's sake

-Christopher Fry, A Sleep of Prisoners (Epilogue)

The I and Invisible Nature

Above us, and all around us is invisible spirit. But how to comprehend it? Here is a train of thought to contemplate.

To make a ferment in a dough one sets the dough out and covers it. And Into it, like magic, comes the ferment. If one leaves it for a number of days, it will be unsavory, but if you take a little of the unsavory dough, and put it in a fresh dough, then the fresh dough is set out after it ferments again, it can then be baked and is a very tasty bread.
This is an invisible process of nature, and so the spirit to is invisible.
One needs to know how special the soul is to nature to begin the same process of transformation.

From the The Eye of the Invisible

The Journal

Once you have an awakening you will realize that you have always been the protagonist and the antagonist in your reality.
The war has always been in your own head.
When you plunge into yourself you will acknowledge why you manufactured a tight rigid body or why you tend to be misanthropic or have money problems.
Your own limitations are all old fabricated programs stored in you and they became your story and belief system and your identity of who you are.
The sleeping person is other peoples content and they don’t know their own self. They have never explore the inner world for themselves. Their information belong to other people.
Your entire life is in you now~ your mind and body are one.
Since your birth your brain has been recording and storing data and everything in your mind and body.
The more you free your mind ~ the more you will untangle the invisible chains within your body. The more you will authentically know that you are capable of creating a life that you love.
Nobody can do this inner work for you~
God/Universe is you and all 8 billion of us. We are all one.
Buddha - Christ ~ Krishna, Tao, Allah ~ your mentors are in you~ you are one. Your story is your reality.
just like you can be a safe Harbor for your children ~but they have to experience their own path and walk their own journey and learn their own lessons.
If you wrote a book or you are going to write a book~ remember ~ you are the fuel behind your book.

Steven Smith Mega Book Seller Guru

The Logos

The Logos was equal to the metal gold - incorruptible and pure - yet material and visible. Logos is also equated with golden light phenomenon for the same reason. The Logos of the human being rises out of the lower nature as uncorrupted Gold and Light as this is his subtle light body and this body is nourished and fed by even higher and more subtle light bodies. So the soul was not considered as a Logos, but what came from it was - and as a like nature to the same Golden Spirit that arises out of everything with a soul and spirit. So the Sun is considered the abode of the logos and the logoi journey there from everywhere. As the light inspires the growth, so the light goes back and forth to all the spheres of existence.

The Lotus Lords

The lotus lords of the flames of wisdom descend on those who make their body a Temple to house it.

The Mind

The Student asked the Teacher to explain the mind.  "Some say the mind is one, and there is only one mind. What do you say venerable Teacher?"

Here is your answer. This kind of thinking is reflected thinking, but something is missing from it. Let us use a feeling sense to discover the truth. And on the path of feeling we can feel it is both true and untrue. So now let us follow the paths of the light to represent for us the One Mind, as the same as the One Light of Sun.  Consider how Light and Warmth can be  separated in the Cosmic Bodies of the Sun and the Moon and this affects the natures of all living bodies. This is the way to understand light and warmth and unravel this great riddle of the One Mind. 

 If we follow the light through the world, we see how a plant grows from two kinds of light, the light of the moon, which is the Sun-light. So we can say like this, the light is one light, but we also know from the growth of the life in the plant these lead to a different result. And if we take this into the inner being one can clearly see that the light may indeed be one light, but it has been separated into warmth and light, and just light as in the reflected light of the moon.  So we can say there is indeed One Light, the light of the Sun, and that is even to the Light of the Moon, but the Light at the Source is warm, and the light of the Moon is cold and separated from it is the element of the warmth, so the mind too has elements that it must consider that have conditioned it.  

And so the One Mind must consider its reflections as these have been separated into soul and life. Eventually all reflections go back to the source from which they have come, and so the many minds travel back to the one mind and are refreshed, revitalized, as they rest in the bosom of Divine Light and Love.  

The Missing Link in Understanding Our Condition

The missing piece in our understanding of our reflective mental nature is that the mind is sterile. It is actually like trying to fly with one wing and other is a reflection in a mirror.

 It all changes when one understands this secret and how and where to look for the missing part.

The Path of The Tao

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal name The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth The named is the mother of myriad things

Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations These two emerge together but differ in name The unity is said to be the mystery Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders

Tao Te Ching 32

The Path of the Wise


O ye who look to enter in through Discipline to Bliss, Ye shall not stray from out the way, if ye remember this: Ye shall not waste a weary hour, nor hope for Hope in vain, If ye persist with will until self-righteousness is slain.

If through the mist of mortal eyes,deluded, ye discern That ye are holier than these, ye have the whole to learn!If ye are tied with tangled pride Know then, your purest thoughts deny the Truth ye never saw! If ye resent in discontent the searchlight of reproof,

Preferring praise, ye waste your days at sin's not Soul's behoof! Each gain for self denies the Self that knows the self is vain. Who crowns accomplishment with pride must build the whole again!

But if, at each ascending step, more clearly ye perceive That he must kill the lower will,who would the world relieve And they are last who would be first, their effort thrown away;

Be patient then and persevere. Ye tread the Middle Way! "

The Philosopher

Philosophy is the Love of Learning - do you feel the urge and power of love moving in your thoughts? Blowing like a wind?

Giving freshness and musical spirit song? Say yes to Philosophy and the love of learning!