Sunday, 5 May 2024, 11:33 PM
Site: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Light
Course: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Light (SpiritualKnowledgeCenter)

I am in all things

A Manichaean Psalm

I am in all things.

I carry the skies.

I am the Foundation.

I support the earths.

I am the Light that shines forth,

that gives joy to the souls.

I am the life of the world:

I am the milk that is in all trees:

I am the sweet water that is beneath the sons of matter...

i bore these things until I had

fulfilled the will of my father:

the First Man is my father

whoese will I have carried out ...

O soul,

raise your eyes to the height

and contemplate your bond ...

look, your Fathers are calling you."

I Am that

We have a destiny in the earth, and so we are born, this marks a time and a beginning, the beginning of the quest for the source, the source is not answerable to anyone but the spirit, a man that discoveries this, discovers a path to the truth, truth delights the soul and stirs it inwardly to action, he goes back to the world but looks again through everything, and cannot see the spirit there, why?  The spirit is before the world was, and so man grapples again with this, and cannot determine it except in his own seeing and hearing, and so he learn faith, trust, hope, and surrender, and that every word from his mouth is his body and his truth to share and give and ponder the meaning.  And if he comes to the pure spirit again, and the spirit sits with him, and holds his hand, he will know what all men of spirit know - that love is the beginning and the answer to the search for meaning, purpose and being.  I am that i am.

I am this Self

More radiant than the Sun,
Purer than the snow,
Finer than aether
Is the Self
The Spirit in my Heart.
This Self am I,
I am this Self.

Saying by an Eastern Sage, (and quoted by Rudolf Steiner)


To ignore the presence of spirit is ignorance,

To assume the material is ignorance,

To not see the hidden is blindness,

To hear the silent is tranquility,

To move with the Cosmos is not to move at all,

The light is gone away into the shadow to rest O students of the spirit,

Walk gently lest you wake her in her dreaming.

Sit and be silent O students of the spirit, so you can feel her spirit being in you.

From the Book of the Wise


"Following the trail of illusions is good to reveal the truth about ones' desires. He knows most when he knows when he has had enough for his soul. Then he looks for truth. To know truth is the same as knowing illusion. The fool thinks he knows, and the wise man sees truth everywhere and no-where. But he looks further into the spirit, for the revelation about his being. If he can see nothing, then he knows that he knows nothing true about himself. What is more important, the world of truth without being, or a being which has no truth? "

From the Book of the Sayings of the Students of the Spirit.



Lords of evolving night and day! Ye spirits of the spaceless dreams! O Souls of the reflected hills Embosomed in pellucid streams! Magicians of the morning haze Who weave anew the virgin veil That dews the blush of waking days With innocence!

Ye Rishis , hail! I charge that whosoe'er may view This talisman, shall greet the dawn Degreed, arrayed and ranked anew, As he may wish to have been born! Prevail desire! A day and night Prevail ambition! Till they see They can not set the world aright By being what they crave to be! Be, time and space, and all save Karma is stilled! Grant that each secret wish may be fulfilled!

Instruction #1

Instruction For Students of the Spirit

Keep your aura as calm and as clear as possible. Emotions will cloud it with dark spots. Those are the entry places for the demonic activity. Now this can take years to learn, or a few minutes. The demonic has a great fear of Spiritual Knowledge, so keep working on clearing.

Instruction #2

Instruction For Students of the Spirit

Imagine your Path on Spiritual Nature

Learn to control your inner thoughts and emotions. Seek moments of quiet and peace and put the world far away in those moments. Entertain the thoughts in your soul of peace and tranquility. Imagine the road behind you and the path in front of you. See in front of you the souls of other students on the path that you are on and are calling you, gesturing you to follow, and don't give up.  Imagine one day you will also be helping and serving someone on the path behind you.

Instruction #3

Instruction for Students of the Spirit

Good things are not always good!

Imagine your disappointment whenever you find something you think is good turns out to be sour!  This is a colossal experience! All through our learning years imagine how everything you thought was good turned into its opposite. Now, the condition of the soul is trained to be suspicious of all 'good things', and these include love, and relationships.

As you get stronger and more focused because of your Rosicrucian Meditation Exercises,  you must notice there is a wisdom that comes from life, and especially around things of the desire body. 

In our Course 003 on the Astral Body you are instructed to fill the soul with higher aspirations such as higher art,  poetry, and music, and also the Higher Thoughts of Humanities Teachers, Poets, and Artists.  These all are the result of even Higher Spiritual Beings!  In the book The Secrets of Eden there we find lots more detailed instructions for higher spiritual development.

As the soul turns around within itself, it does not want to condemn everything, and so there a feeling comes to every student of a wandering in a lost sea without any horizon!  But one can reflect on our teachings, and feel comforted for it is temporary, and will pass. It even has a name (it is so famous among the students of all Ages) it is called 'the neither word'.

Keep your calm, and use your time to balance and focus. Your goal is still ahead, and it is a beautiful goal you are seeking!  One day it will appear and you will be amazed at the beautiful world of Spiritual Nature.

Instruction #4

Instruction for Students of the Spirit

Practice Focus of mind, thoughts, and feelings. Combine everything into a bundle of color, light, and sound. Create your song, thoughts, and control your dreaming. This brings balance between the heart and the mind, the heaven above and the earth below, the past and the future, all one.