Sunday, 19 May 2024, 8:27 PM
Site: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Research
Course: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Research (Spiritual-Research-Institute)


 Now that the light is working equality in north and south there comes with it the moment of balance between the hemispheres. This is a sounding within the human soul and if we follow it we arrive at the center of the earth aligning with the sun center.
 The pull between the top and the bottom and the parting of the material to make way for the soul to enter into this space is one of the magical doorways of the earth-sun-moon.  For these are cosmic initiations and take much more of our self than the other points of the year's' revolving. It is here that our courage, as living spiritual soul beingness, comes to our aid. With the balance of soul and spirit we wait at the portal for the angel to judge us worthy to enter, or failing her judgment, she will chase us back from there, for none is more powerful than she, and none may through any means of cleverness deceive her. That your work is fruitful and bears fruit in the coming time depends on receiving here from her hands.
 Many must, over and over again, be turned back, and ever again, must we learn to correct those that seek unwittingly to enter without faith, honor, or truth as the spirit sees them.
 Our offering of spirit work must also be received or it is cast out again. Students that pass through become weavers of the substances of the realms of nature, carrying powers from physical realms to that of the spirit and back.

Eternal Becoming

When a man is born, what is called the 'personality' arises in the life of the soul. It inserts itself in the gaps found between darkness, ignorance, innocence and love. He now grows to self consciousness. He learns how to destroy and set his own image on the throne of being. All things within are his personal creations. But his personality is not his true being. He must search, meditate, and surrender to the second 'self' which dissolves the first self, and also itself, to peel away the skins, like peeling the banana, until one comes to the fruit of the Spirit, the seed and kernel of new life. "Come says the goddess, come! Who would not give away his life, for the vision of the truth of eternal becoming? Come!"


"Tides in the ocean of stars and the infinite rhythm of space; Cycles on cycles of aeons adrone on an infinite beach; Pause and recession and flow, and each atom of dust in its place In the pulse of eternal becoming; no error, no breach

But the calm and the sweep and the swing of the leisurely, measureless roll Of the absolute cause, the unthwarted effect -- and no haste, And no discord, and nothing untimed in a calculus ruling the whole; Unfolding; evolving; accretion; attrition; no waste.

Planet on planet a course that it keeps, and each swallow its flight; Comet's ellipse and grace-note of the sudden firefly glow; Jewels of Perseid splendor sprayed on summer's purple night; Blossom adrift on the breath of spring; the whirl of snow; Grit on the grinding beaches, spume of the storm-ridden wave Hurled on the north wind's ice-born blast to blend with the tropic rain; Hail and the hissing of torrents; song where sapphire ripples lave The crest of thousand-fathom reefs upbuilt beneath the main.

Silt of the ceaseless rivers from the mountain summits worn, Rolled along gorge and meadow till the salt, inflowing tide Heaps it in shoals at harbor-mouth for continents unborn; Earth where the naked rocks were reared; pine where the birches died;

Season on season proceeding, and birth in the shadow of death; Dawning of luminous day in the dying of night; and a Plan In no whit, in no particle changing; each phase of becoming a breath Of the infinite, Karma of all things; its goal, evolution of MAN."

- Talbot Mundy


Finding Fault and Seeing Goodness

"Whenever you think God has shown you other people's faults take care: your own judgment may well be at fault. Say nothing. And if you do attribute any vice to another person immediately and humbly look for it in yourself also. Should the other person really possess that vice he will correct himself so much the better when he sees how gently you understand him and he will say to himself  whatever you would have told him." St Catherine of Siena.


I have now reigned above 50 years in victory or peace... Riches and honour, power and pleasures have waited on my call nor does any earthly blessing appear to have been wanting to my felicity. In  this situation I  have diligently numbered the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot. They amount to 14. O man!  Place not thy confidence in this present world.

Abd-al Rahman III, Caliph of Spain, AD 912-961


Fire Is Coolest at the Center


Be the truth - Be the Love - Forgive and Live

Forgiveness- 2

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."

Mark Twain

Fresh time and Pastime

There are so many that spend their time on old things, when the Fresh New World Is Before our Eyes and the Past Is Just a Memory


Goals and Destiny

I feel my fate, my fate finds me 
I feel my star, my star finds me
I feel my goals, my goals find me
My soul and the world are one.

Rudolf Steiner