Sunday, 5 May 2024, 9:51 AM
Site: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Light
Course: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Light (SpiritualKnowledgeCenter)

God is Love

The blessings of God can heal all that is within and bring about the changes without. God is love.... I am within his love as man, and I bring my soul as a gift to join with his perfect love, then I am healed.

From the Book of Love


A simple thing like the spirit of goodwill is pleasing to others and makes any perceived evil to become an artistic creation. Many people forget how important it is to look for good-will in others too, or to plant the seed of goodwill in everyone we meet so the spirit of good-will is like a garden we grow in each other.


Guardian Angel

"Angel of God who is guarding me
Be Thou a bright flame before me
Be Thou a shining star above me
Be Thou a smooth path below me
Be Thou a kind shepherd behind me.

Today, tonight and forever."

"...a fé, abençoada seja ela para todo o sempre, além de arredar montanhas do caminho daqueles que do seu poder se beneficiam, é capaz de atrever-se às águas mais torrenciais e sair delas enxuta." ~José Saramago

Hard and Easy

What seems hard today will be easier tomorrow. 

Hearts of Love

Those with full hearts need little, and give much....

From the Book of the Brothers of the Spirit

Her Message of Healing in Sorrow, Pain, or Illness

We can pass into the spirit in peace after we know we can conquer fear and come into the place of freshness of heart.

After this we can pass over the bridge of life, to life and walk with proud soul into the heaven of light.

This is true, we do not conquer death of the material, for the material is already dead, it is illusion.

What we make alive in us, that is hope, peace, tranquility, and the fire of wisdom we must see and experience - it must becomes us - first we ignite wisdom in the darkness, this is the 'stone' of the material man in pain and darkness, but once he is warm and gives light - this is our new Soul that comes from Life of our Thoughts that prays and sees her Spirit through meditation (calm and empty pray/mediation - that needs no thing, asks no thing, speaks no thing - but is).

This is the heart teaching us of her spirit, and one hears her speak (to me and to you (my dimension on other side of the world ) :

"Be at peace, I am wisdom, I am no thing, a silent voice, warm without fire yet warming, light, of no source, yet I shine in the darkness, I chase away fear, I am eternal here, and was before all and I am pure love."

She heals us, and we go with her.

Hunger Of Soul

Our wisdom must create peace not strife, nor competition, nor helplessness.

How? says the student of the spirit?

It must feel exactly like 'the other', and know well how it is to thirst, or hunger, and then to find water and food.

A hungry soul looks dangerous because it is in pain and grief, worry, and suffering, for hunger is real.

When a brave student can rise to the task of knowledge, the side which feds, must have learned first from the spirit of wisdom how to approach those in need and get past the claws, and the fangs, to the eyes that speak louder than all.

"How" says the student again to the spirit? and she says, "Look and learn how I approached you."

From the Sayings of the Book of the Wise


I am in all things

A Manichaean Psalm

I am in all things.

I carry the skies.

I am the Foundation.

I support the earths.

I am the Light that shines forth,

that gives joy to the souls.

I am the life of the world:

I am the milk that is in all trees:

I am the sweet water that is beneath the sons of matter...

i bore these things until I had

fulfilled the will of my father:

the First Man is my father

whoese will I have carried out ...

O soul,

raise your eyes to the height

and contemplate your bond ...

look, your Fathers are calling you."

I Am that

We have a destiny in the earth, and so we are born, this marks a time and a beginning, the beginning of the quest for the source, the source is not answerable to anyone but the spirit, a man that discoveries this, discovers a path to the truth, truth delights the soul and stirs it inwardly to action, he goes back to the world but looks again through everything, and cannot see the spirit there, why?  The spirit is before the world was, and so man grapples again with this, and cannot determine it except in his own seeing and hearing, and so he learn faith, trust, hope, and surrender, and that every word from his mouth is his body and his truth to share and give and ponder the meaning.  And if he comes to the pure spirit again, and the spirit sits with him, and holds his hand, he will know what all men of spirit know - that love is the beginning and the answer to the search for meaning, purpose and being.  I am that i am.

I am this Self

More radiant than the Sun,
Purer than the snow,
Finer than aether
Is the Self
The Spirit in my Heart.
This Self am I,
I am this Self.

Saying by an Eastern Sage, (and quoted by Rudolf Steiner)