Saturday, 18 May 2024, 6:14 PM
Site: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Research
Course: The Rosenkreutz School of Spiritual Research (Spiritual-Research-Institute)

Things Accursed

Be glad if ye know the accursed thing
And know it accurst, for the Gift is yours
Of Sight where the prophets of blindness sing
By the brink of death.

And the Gift endures;

Ye shall see the last of the sharpened lies
That rivet privilege's gripe.

Be still, then, ye with the opened eyes,

Come away from the thing till the time is ripe.
Be glad that ye loathe the accursed thing,
It is given to you to foreknow the end.

But they who the unwise challenge fling 
Shall startle foe at the risk of friend 
As yet unready to endure -
And can ye fend Goliath's swipe? 

The slowly grinding mills are sure, 
Let terror alone till the time is ripe.
Be glad when the shout for the spoils, and the glee, 
The hoofs and the wheels of the prophets of wrong, 
Out thunder the warning of what shall be; 

Be still, for the tumult is not for long. 
he Finger that wrote, from a polished wall 
As surely the closed account shall wipe; 
The accursed thing ye feared shall fall 
To a boy with a sling when the time is ripe.

Talbot Mundy

Thought and Nature

If the intellect is unstable
If it is overwhelmed by the world,
(as) A weak man (is) embraced by a whore.
If the mind becomes disciplined,
The world is a distinguished woman
(To) Whom her lover's advances.

Abbsaid poet Abu - Ala Al - Ma"arri 


Time perception is one sense that is integral to all things and its measure is extremely well established.


Torments of the Soul

What torments modern mankind today is how he mistakenly is told that spiritual beings are something of a theory for him, when actually they (the so-called theoretical spiritual beings) hear, think, listen and make decisions based upon our thoughts, feelings, utterances, whether in public or private, and they too have every right to avoid men, remove substances of spirit, and also that which would otherwise pour beautiful fresh spirit into us, these beings now choose not to participate and pour into human error their own perfectly good spiritual substances.

As long as mankind looks at the world theoretically, and makes no attempt to study the spiritual, and a spiritual that suites the modern spiritual consciousness, he will continually find his forces are depleting and passing from him, and his consciousness gradually dulls, and dims, and his senses offer nothing but delusions.  Nothing less than the study of the spiritual and finding the concrete form of it, as presented in spiritual science will make it possible for those of a higher intelligence to once again visit our own inner soul world, and seed our spiritual life with fresh new karma can we begin to feel again in a healthy way in the modern age of the world.



Yoda explains the need to unlearn concepts. Why? It is because Joseph Campbell was the inspiration behind the Star Wars Trilogy, and studied the paths of spirituality that we are studying too. The path is clear and easy to understand, and makes life fun and fruitful - avoiding the rules of the path only means a period of wandering and exploration, but can lead to isolation and loneliness too. Rudolf Steiner gave these same instructions and in our work at the school we practice the techniques he gave and we achieve healthy integration skills in our teachers and our students.

We are open to all seekers of Wisdom because the power of Wisdom is a spiritual being and not confined to any church or system. We are all seeking the same goal - which is to be true friends of each other and to be the love we want to receive. Teachers are friends, and students are the lovers of the Teachers of Wisdom. Make someone your Teacher today and tell them you are listening and tell them you appreciate the lesson, then when you Teach someone, and feel love for your Wisdom, then you have made knowledge into Love.


Water and Light

The student looked and pondered a patch of the Sun reflected on the water and thought, the soul must be like a patch of light shining!  And then the student thought, oh how sad if the light cannot drink anything?  It must want to drink the water! But if it does, he will no longer be a patch of light, he will be cooled and colored. 

Then he heard inspired angels voices speaking 

See beloved student how the The water feels the light as the water of itself which it cannot feel without light, and the light sees water as a substance it wants to live in.  Each gives to the other and whirls in a dance of becoming life. 


Wisdom is a very special seed of the spirit. It comes through unknown channels and ways to us, but some teachers say it is here or there, and some are right, but when the seed is not found we are often troubled and believe it cannot come, or it is a myth. 

To obtain the seed and the tree of wisdom one must practice and meditate each day and not give up on oneself. Then one day the light will illumine the place where the real seed of wisdom has sprouted in the heart.  Then, a  New Soul has come! It has sprouted. 

Go oh student and get your water and clear the weeds, and feel how much of this is the miracle of love born in your our being.

From the book of the Wise

Wisdom, Forgiveness and Grace

To have wisdom requires wisdom. It is a contradiction in a way but when a teacher (Buddha or his Bodhisattva nature) is present then the karma activates a dharmachakra. It bares an esoteric name but is known as a great and beautiful truth but also as a deadly weapon. Ancient man was deeply terrified of this, and so it became more and more hidden, and caused much concern for those who knew of it. And so forgiveness inserts itself between and also grace. "Grace" as in 'time to sort it out'. But it also cycles round and then the time must not have been wasted and the true and good course must have been sought after and found (at least in the trying, new grace will come).

Each soul is actually to form a 'gem' or 'diamond' and the earth turns in a perfection of 'roundness' , so you see the craftsman turning his substance against the 'wheel of the planet' .  


Where does love begin?....the woman. No one blames you....I do not blame you. The hunger for love is in us all. Can we understand how to understand? Yes we can see with hearts and eyes open wide for what is wise, and good, and true. I cannot blame her or anyone. I see the root is in the heart and there too is the soil of the soul in the deepest depth of the body where it mingles with the lowest but fertile substance of the earth. She is dark and beautiful, our primal mother that gives life to us all. And she is the dark, the hidden beautiful, and the fertile. And divine when the light of her lover finds her through the darkness. From that lowest form, it can sprout and spring forth, and break the soil above her form, and push herself above the world below until she is found there, above in the heights of the heavens.

Believe in her power - she is the mother of all living things. Old as the world, and before all religions - she was the desire in the soul and spirit of the darkest and furthest from heaven and the gods. But she knew the way too. How? The same desire that starts afresh in each new love always follows the path back to the source from whence it sprang. So where is the heart? It is in the body of the earth in our soul.

From the Book the Wisdom of the Gods

World Reform

He who would reform the world must first reform himself; and that, if he do it honestly, will keep him so employed that he will have no time to criticize his neighbor.

Nevertheless, his neighbor will be benefited -- even as a man without a candle, who at last discerns another's light.